I Want an Epidural – Can I Still Have a Doula?
While the majority of parents who hire doulas tend to do so because they hope the extra support will increase their chances of achieving an unmedicated delivery, the word is getting out: you can have your epidural, and your doula too.
Doula support has proven to be beneficial for parents during birth whether or not medical interventions are used. In fact, parents who receive epidural anesthesia during labor may still require and enjoy just as much support as one who goes med-free! Why?
1. You Need Emotional Support
Even though your pain from contractions is decreased or eliminated, you are still pregnant and working hard through a flurry of hormones to bring a baby into the world. You may be experiencing a wide range of emotions from excitement to fear, and a supportive doula is trained to meet you where you are and provide just the right amount of encouragement, right when you need it.
2. You Need Physical Support
Just because you're not walking the halls any more, doesn't mean you won't still need physical support! Your doula can help you switch from side to side in the bed, open your pelvis with a peanut ball or pillows, and help you get comfortable in semi-sitting or semi-reclining positions. With her expert positioning skills, your pelvic movement can simulate out-of-bed action and help your labor progress. Plus, position changes will help keep your epidural medication from “pooling” in one place!
3. You Need Company
Your doula knows how to keep the mood both light and respectful, and ensure that everyone in the room is having a good experience. You and your partner won't get bored waiting for your labor to progress with a doula around! Waiting for your baby to arrive can also come with unexpected procedures or concerns, and your doula can explain what is happening to alleviate worries and help you and your partner feel informed and confident about the process.
4. You Need a Backup Plan
In a small percentage of medicated labors, an administered epidural may not work correctly. Whether due to an error in placement or a medication tolerance, there are some parents who find that their epidural does not give the desired pain relief, or only relieves pain in one area. While this (probably) will not happen to you, you would be very glad in this instance to have your doula on hand to help you stay comfortable and focused while forming a different plan for your labor.
Your doulas at Nicky Quick Co. will assist you in having a rich, personalized, and memorable experience giving birth with an epidural. From helping you create your birth plan, to working through the decision of when to request the medication, to breezing through the ups and downs of labor with grace, doula support during a medicated birth is the last piece of the puzzle in your ideal labor day.